Extra Care Celebrate New Strategy Launch & Dedicated Staff at Exclusive Stormont Event

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On Friday 22nd November, we eagerly launched our new three-year Strategy, ‘Finding Our Way’ as well as commemorated our team members marking their Long Service milestones, ‘Extra Mile’ award winners and our newly appointed Senior Care Workers. To celebrate, we held an event in Stormont’s grand Parliament Buildings with our staff, board members and VIP guests from across the healthcare sector.

‘Finding Our Way’ was introduced by our brand new Chair, Dame Joan Harbison. As she described, the Strategy aims to pave the way for how Extra Care will better deliver its services, connect with communities, develop partnerships and celebrate staff and service users.

UTV favourite and friend of the charity Pamela Ballantine hosted the Awards ceremony for the second year running, welcoming our winners with open arms and rightfully deserved prizes.

It was a fantastic day had by all and we are already looking forward to honouring our dedicated staff next year!

The winners of our Awards ceremony are as follows:

Extra Mile Awards

Debbie Black

Janette Kernoghan

Jane Abraham

Jean Campbell

Carmel Scullion

Marion McGucken

Senior Care Workers

Susan Carson

Linsey Coleman

Siobhan Mellon

Deborah McKeown

Janice Workman

Alice Farrell

Denise Wharry

Siobhan McKenna

Long Service Awards


Pat Stewart

Kieran McEvoy

Elizabeth Neely

Colette Duncan

Margaret McQuaid


Mary Hall

Angela Hamilton

Lynne Burns

Georgina Timmons

Marion McGucken

George Cherry


Jennifer Ferguson


Bridie McLaughlin

Kathleen McClelland

Maria Wilson


Helen Largey


Our well-deserved winners!
Our team of Trustees and SMT.
Newly appointed Chair, Dame Joan Harbison with our Extra Care Bear!
CEO Brian Hutchinson, outgoing Trustee Una Macauley and Chair Dame Joan Harbison.
CEO Brian Hutchinson, outgoing Chair Stephen Briggs and new Chair Dame Joan Harbison.
Dame Joan Harbison (L) with Theresa Nixon from RQIA (R).
25 Years Long Service Award winners Kathleen McClelland and Maria Wilson.
Chair Dame Joan Harbison presenting Pamela Ballantine with flowers
Special Guest Pamela Ballantine presenting the Awards.
Our guests discussing all things Strategy!

Photos by Aaron McCracken